About Bumps and Bashes

How it all started

kate aidley | bumps and bashes baby first aidBumps and Bashes First aid for babies & children was created out of a need in 2009.  I knew the importance of emergency first aid, through work and a sad family experience. When my two children were young, learning to protect them was my priority. I couldn’t find a course anywhere and I mean anywhere that specialised in courses for parents and the only courses that came close were 12-hour paediatric courses for the childcare industry.

I did the research for years to find a course that was designed for parents however, I could not find a course anywhere. Having nothing to compare it with, I developed a course that I would want and successfully parents wanted.

After extensive research and retraining Bumps and Bashes was born in 2009.

I developed a class that is specific to parents.  It empowers parents and gives them confidence, the feedback from attendees has been amazing.

“I wanted to create a course that gives parents the confidence and techniques to cope if their child chokes, stops breathing, or has an accident. I run my classes in a relaxed informal environment making it very easy to remember. All parents want, is to be sure their families is kept as safe as possible until the emergency services can take over.

Explaining and making the course simple to understand and making sure that there are plenty of mannikins to practise on has been key.

Many companies have followed and it’s great that more people will learn these skills.  Nevertheless, it’s equally important to make sure you are trained by a fully qualified instructor and learn the most up-to-date information.

“Learning first aid for your family is an essential skill every parent needs to learn.”

 Although I can teach all first aid courses, it has always been important to specialise in baby & children first aid.

A new Online course was launched in 2022.

Grown mainly through recommendations, Parents love the no-nonsense, practical approach.  Thousands have attended and left fabulous reviews on Facebook, Google reviews, and the website. for which I am immensely grateful and proud of.

99% of parents & grandparents that have attended have rated the course as excellent!

Finally, thank you and I would love to see you on one of the courses soon.